by Sofia Barbosa

I first decided to divide it in seven (7) different colour categories although I end up with the CMYK ones. CMYK is a color model used in color printing with four different colours: C for cyan, M for magenta, Y for yellow and K for black.

According to that, I split each image I chose by those CMYK 4 channels in order to keep the dominant colour channel. For example, if I had a predominantly blue image I only preserved its blue (C) channel. I did exactly same process for all my images.

Then, I decided to print the images in a transparent paper, so that the matching of those different images creates new ones. Having four different image sheet colours, overlapping them ends up with new colours. For example, matching the blue and the yellow one creates a green image. So there are lots of possibilities of overlapping and creating new visual effects. It is always possible to create images out of other images even if they became abstract.

The aim of my book is to show the possibility of creating different combinations of colours and imagens using our own hands.

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